2024 SMHA Elected Positions Nomination Process
AGM will be held on Tuesday April 23rd at Johnny Leroux Arena at 6:00pm.
Elected positions within the SMHA Management Council follow the nomination process defined in section 7.2.6 of the SMHA Constitution. The information is summarized as follows:
- A voting member of the Association must nominate a candidate for the council position
- An additional voting member of the Association must second the nomination of the candidate
- The candidate must consent to run in the election
Voting Members
The definition of a voting member of the association is provided in sections 3.2-3.5 of the SMHA Constitution. Voting members include:
- General Members are defined as, the registered participant who has reached the age of majority as defined by the Province of Ontario, and who resides within the SMHA boundaries (ANNEX A), and who have paid their registration fees. Where the participant has not reached the age of majority in Ontario, a parent or guardian of the participant is considered as the general member.
- Honorary Members of SMHA as defined in section 3.5 of the SMHA Constitution
Nomination Process
- Nominations and seconds should be submitted via email to the Nominations Committee Chairperson (NCC) at nominations@stittsvilleminorhockey.com
- Nominations and seconds must be received by Saturday April 13th 11:59PM.
- The NCC will approach the nominee to seek his/her consent to run in the election
- The positions and qualified nominees will be published to the SMHA website by Saturday April 20th.
Where no nominations were made in accordance with the above, the NCC will accept nominations from the floor at the AGM.
Positions Available
The following positions on the SMHA Management Council are up for election at 2023-24 AGM. All positions have a 2 year term unless otherwise indicated.
- President
- Vice President of Operations
- Director of Development (1 year)
- Director House - U15/U18
- Director House - U11/U13
- Director of Competitive
An overview of each position and any qualifications are provided in Annex B of the SMHA Constitution.