Nominations for executive positions closed April 13th. The list below indicates nomination results. Elections, where indicated, will take place at the AGM on April 23rd at 7:00pm.
Stittsville Minor Hockey Association
Executive positions up for election for 2024/25 season
Terry Foley
Only Nominee - Acclaimed
Vice President of Operations
Rob Lomas
Only Nominee - Acclaimed
Director of Competitve
Mike Kemp
Only Nominee - Acclaimed
Director House - U15/18
James Moser
Only Nominee - Acclaimed
Director House - U11/13
Mike Bew
Only Nominee - Acclaimed
Director of Development
No Nominations
To be voted on
There were no constitutional amendments proposed
We will take nominations from the floor at the AGM for the 1 year term Director of Development position
As per articles 5 (5.2.1, 5.2.2 & 5.6.2) and 7 (7.1.9) of the SMHA constitution, for Executive positions that have become vacant mid term due to this year's nominations and appointments; VP Support Service and Director at Large will be appointed by the new Executive Committee after May 1st. To express your interest in either of these positions please send an email to . All names submitted will be considered for appointment.
Please come out and attend the AGM on April 23rd at Johnny Leroux Arena and have your voice heard about the operations of Stittsville Minor Hockey.