SMHA Team Website Accounts
Each SMHA house league team receives an SMHA website account that allows them to manage information within their team’s micro-site.
The account allows teams to:
- Post team news items
- Post team photos
- Post events to the team calendar
- Add sponsor logos
- Add new web pages
- View teams stats that are synchronized from the LCMHL site (Non-U7 teams)
Obtaining your Team Account
U7 Teams
IP teams are not required to take any action to receive their account credentials. Information that is required (head coach contact info.) will be provided by the convenor.
U9- U18 Teams
Teams within the U9 - U18 divisions need both SMHA and LCMHL website accounts.
For SMHA website accounts, coaches will recieve an email from the SMHA webmaster with their account information. SMHA accounts will be provided once teams are formed and the convenors have provided a list of coaches with contact information; normally mid to late September.
Head coaches are asked by the Lanark league to register for a LCMHL team account. Upon registering for the LCMHL, they’ll receive both their LCMHL accounts.
Information regarding LCMHL Team Account Registration can be found on the LCMHL Website under
For Teams / Obtaining a LCMHL Team Account.
Please note that the LCMHL accounts will be provided over the Thanksgiving weekend.